as with eloquence and simplicity, once said that there are two main approaches to treatment. He said that there are therapeutic techniques that directly affect specific symptoms, and there are techniques that stimulate the immune defense and overalls. While conventional treatments today tend to focus on the former to treatment or control of symptoms of various natural therapy primarily involved in the past to increase individuals have inherent defense. Although direct treatment of symptoms often has a direct impact, its benefits are usually short. Because these therapeutic measures are usually not strengthen its own security person, the individual is prone to repeat their problem. Unlike treatments that strengthen the immune defense of persons and has long term benefits and may prevent recurrence, but the benefit is achieved sometimes slower. These generalizations about therapeutic methods, however, is just that, generalizations. There are many exceptions, but these generalizations provide a useful basis from which to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different therapeutic approaches. Homeopathy clearly fits into the class of therapeutic methods that increase their protective suits. The basis of homeopathy is called the principle of similarity suggests that micro doze of the substance will heal all that the picture of this substance causes symptoms in large doses. This principle is also observed when using vaccination and treatment of allergies, though homeopathic medicines are much smaller and safer dose and more individualized to the person they are used for treatment. Although homeopathic remedies are thought to stimulate their protective suits as they do remains a mystery. One study, published in
European Journal of Pharmacology, showed that homeopathic medicines,
Silicea, stimulate macrophages (macrophages are part of the overalls of the immune system, which will absorb bacteria and foreign substances). How and why
Silicea was able to have this action and why extremely small doses, it is so active, is unknown. In the same way that doctors and pharmacologists do not understand how many drugs work, we do not understand how homeopathic medicine really works. Homeopathic medicine not only stimulates the immune system, suits for the treatment of people as they can also soothe it when it is necessary to heal the person. An example of the latter effect was observed in the study of homeopathic treatment of people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, a condition which is considered an autoimmune disease. People with autoimmune diseases suffer because their overalls immune system hyperactive and attacks on the person's own cells, not only bacteria, viruses or foreign substances. This study on 46 people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis have shown that these individual choice of homeopathic medicines have received much more aid than placebo. A total of 82% of those given homeopathic medicine experienced pain relief, while only 21% of them were given placebo received the same degree of relief. Homeopathy and infectious diseases by the end of life Louis Pasteurs, he realized that germs can not cause disease
in the end, but instead probably results
disease. In other words, different bacteria and other organisms, infection may be present when there is some type of disease and infection, tend to establish themselves in the first place, when people defend compromised enough to make it susceptible to infection. Louis Pasteurs of the end of his life, however, was ignored by most conventional doctors and the general public. When a person feels the infection, most people think it is better to take an antibiotic for bacterial infections and anti-viral drug for viral infection. There are, however, problems with these drugs. In addition, various side effects they cause and various cases in which they are not effective, even if they are an effective use leads to increased chances of infectious agents to adjust to the drug, thereby reducing the likelihood that drugs will be effective in future. As Jonas Salk, rather than attack specific problems, another strategy for restoring health to try to stimulate the immune defense of persons and that ultimately, the approach commonly used in homeopathic medicine. Most people today do not know what homeopathy really found the most popular in Europe and America in the mid and late 1800s mainly due to the significant progress it has made in treating people suffering from the often deadly infectious disease epidemic that raged at that time . Cholera, typhoid, yellow fever, scarlet fever and was, but some infectious diseases, homeopathic medicines are extremely effective in treatment. These natural medicines are not effective because they attacked the infectious agent, but because they stimulated overalls own immune defense system and protect and heal itself. Ideal drugs? There are no specific homeopathic medicines that are more effective than others in increasing their own people and immune defense. Each homeopathic medicine is effective if it is correctly written. The trick is to find the right homeopathic drug that is suitable persons unique picture of symptoms. For example,
Arsenicum album (white arsenic) is a common homeopathic medicines. There are a variety of acute and chronic diseases, for which he is an effective means of treatment, ranging from food poisoning and digestive disorders, to fatigue and various states of anxiety, and asthma and insomnia. Arsenicum album is not effective because it has properties of an antibiotic or a stimulant or sedative effect. It is effective in accordance with basic principles of homeopathic because he has the ability to cure the concrete forms of its symptoms, as you know, because if taken in large doses. Arsenicum album will not be effective in treating the person whose symptoms do not match the symptoms, arsenic is known to cause. There are various books that help people find the right one homeopathic medicine. This individualization of medicine is sometimes easy, sometimes difficult. If a person does not know how to find the right way, or if the lasix furosemide medicine is not always available, it is often useful to use one of various homeopathic formula available to the general public. While some authors, including myself, casually described homeopathic medicines, as immunostimulating agents, it may be more accurate to refer to them as immunomodulatory drugs (drugs that stimulate the depressed immune system and alleviate the overactive immune system). Immunomodulating effect of the drug may be ideal because the pharmaceutical companies and doctors want. Ironically, these drugs have been with us for a long time. Indeed, it is time for further study of homeopathic medicines. E. Davenas, B. Venice, J. Benveniste, mouse peritoneal macrophages influence os very high dilution Silica,
European Journal of Pharmacology, 135 (April 1987): 313-319. R. Gibson, SLM Gibson, AD MacNeil, et al. , Homeopathic therapy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: evaluation of double-blind controlled study
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 9 (1980) :453-459. D. Ullman, Berkeley: North Atlantic, 1991, 39-40. .
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