What is COPD? COPD is a general term used to describe a variety of ailments, including chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive airways disease. People with COPD lungs were damaged and difficult to breathe most of the time. COPD usually affects people over the age of 40 years. Approximately 900,000 people in Britain have been diagnosed with COPD in the UK, but recent studies show that COPD can be very in diagnosis - based on reported symptoms, more than 3. 2000000 people can be provided (this is more than one in 10 people over age 40). COPD is closely associated with smoking, in many cases changes in the habit of smoking several decades ago mean than at COPD is more common among male cases is growing three times faster among women. COPD is the sixth most common cause of death in England and Wales, causing over 30,000 deaths per year. But it is believed that by 2020 it will be the third largest killer in the world - the only major causes of death that has increased in recent years. Damage to the lungs, leading to COPD is gradual, so most people over 40 years before the onset of symptoms. Research shows that it takes about 20 years since the initial lung injury until actually diagnosed. Early morning cough, often called smoker's cough is common and produces a lot of phlegm. Shortness of breath, tightness in the chest and shortness of breath are often observed in the first place. People can find themselves short of breath while performing little or even if they just sit down. It becomes harder and harder to do some exercise, yet the intersection room becomes impossible.

These symptoms are usually worse in winter, with recurrent infections easily add to this problem. If severe, these recurrent infections and impaired lung function (known as exacerbations) may be fatal - 10 percent of them hospitalized with worsening die in the hospital and to 40 percent die within a year. COPD reduces quality of life that prevent people with a condition of communication and enjoy a hobby. It also makes many people feel frustrated and angry about not able to do what they want. Smoking is a cause of COPD, in most cases. Chemicals in cigarette smoke causes inflammation and fibrosis or scarring in the lungs and destroy the elasticity that makes it easy to expand and contract as we breathe. It also damages the alveoli, tiny air sacs at the end of the airways from which oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream
lasix fluid pill. Other causes include occupational impact of dust, indoor air pollution from wood and coal stoves, air pollution and some hereditary diseases. For example, a minority of people is a rare hereditary form of emphysema caused by lack of protein, known as. Diseases, known as COPD - chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive airways disease - now understood as the sides of the same problems: narrowing the airways, which prevents the flow of air and light, making it difficult to breathe. In contrast, where the narrowing of the airways can be eliminated, narrowing in COPD is progressive and not fully reversible. In chronic bronchitis, such as excess mucus in the airways is to make people a lot of mucus and coughing all the time. This mucus and narrows the airways. In emphysema, air sacs remains overly inflated when air is caught in a trap in them and elastic fibers are destroyed. Small holes and develop in their walls, leaving them able to work properly. As a result of human breast can become extension and barrel. It is not possible to cure COPD, but the loss can be slow - it is the main goal of treatment. Treatment also aims to improve symptoms as shortness of breath, increasing the number of exercises a person can manage, reducing the risk of exacerbations, hospitalizations and complications, and generally improve the quality of their lives. The best way to do this is to quit. It is also very important to avoid the smoke of others. Make as much as you can help the lungs (and heart) and builds a strong self-confidence. Pulmonary rehabilitation programs improve symptoms and increase exercise tolerance. Physiotherapy helps to clear mucus from the lungs, and most people with COPD learn exercises they can do everyday to help themselves. Drugs that make the airways wider, easier to breathe can be given by inhaler or in pill form. Another important target for drugs to reduce inflammation in the lungs in COPD - the best medicine for this is steroids, which are also usually given by inhaler device type. Steam inhalation and humidifying rooms can also help breathing by loosening mucus. Medications are available to help thin mucus so it is easier to shell. When lung infections arise, it is important that they are treated quickly with antibiotics. Recurrent or severe chest infections often require hospital treatment. When COPD is difficult, oxygen may be used at home. It is important that people with COPD are vaccinated against influenza each year (usually fall) and for the most common cause of pneumonia, pneumococcal bacteria, as recommended. It is also very important to avoid lung infection and further damage the lungs. Eat a healthy diet and drink enough fluids is important. .
(MUST READ: COPD TREATMENT) I am Granny bee from Portland, Oregon, USA. I was diagnosed of COPD/Emphysema in Providence St. Vincent Medical Center in 2014. In August 2016 my condition worsened and my doctor advised me for Lung volume reduction surgery to remove part of my lungs, making room for the rest of the lung to work better, considering the risk involved i was scared and i resorted online for help, I was in a health website when i read a testimony of a woman from Canada who was totally cured of COPD through the herbal remedy she purchased from a herbal clinic in South Africa, i immediately contacted this herbal center via their email and purchased the COPD herbal remedy, i received the herbal remedy within 7 days via courier service and commenced usage. After 3 weeks and two days of usage, i did another lungs function test and CT scan to be sure, my doctor confirmed my airway are repaired, Thank you Dr Abumere herbal center. Contact this herbal center via their email:abumereherbalcentre@gmai l.com