Friday, February 24, 2012

This individualization of medicine sometimes ...

Jonas Salk

as with eloquence and simplicity, once said that there are two main approaches to treatment.10 facts about the immune system He said that there are therapeutic techniques that directly affect specific symptoms, and there are techniques that stimulate the immune defense and overalls. While conventional treatments today tend to focus on the former to treatment or control of symptoms of various natural therapy primarily involved in the past to increase individuals have inherent defense. Although direct treatment of symptoms often has a direct impact, its benefits are usually short. Because these therapeutic measures are usually not strengthen its own security person, the individual is prone to repeat their problem. Unlike treatments that strengthen the immune defense of persons and has long term benefits and may prevent recurrence, but the benefit is achieved sometimes slower. These generalizations about therapeutic methods, however, is just that, generalizations. There are many exceptions, but these generalizations provide a useful basis from which to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different therapeutic approaches. Homeopathy clearly fits into the class of therapeutic methods that increase their protective suits. The basis of homeopathy is called the principle of similarity suggests that micro doze of the substance will heal all that the picture of this substance causes symptoms in large doses. This principle is also observed when using vaccination and treatment of allergies, though homeopathic medicines are much smaller and safer dose and more individualized to the person they are used for treatment. Although homeopathic remedies are thought to stimulate their protective suits as they do remains a mystery. One study, published in

European Journal of Pharmacology, showed that homeopathic medicines,

Silicea, stimulate macrophages (macrophages are part of the overalls of the immune system, which will absorb bacteria and foreign substances). How and why

Silicea was able to have this action and why extremely small doses, it is so active, is unknown. In the same way that doctors and pharmacologists do not understand how many drugs work, we do not understand how homeopathic medicine really works. Homeopathic medicine not only stimulates the immune system, suits for the treatment of people as they can also soothe it when it is necessary to heal the person. An example of the latter effect was observed in the study of homeopathic treatment of people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, a condition which is considered an autoimmune disease. People with autoimmune diseases suffer because their overalls immune system hyperactive and attacks on the person's own cells, not only bacteria, viruses or foreign substances. This study on 46 people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis have shown that these individual choice of homeopathic medicines have received much more aid than placebo. A total of 82% of those given homeopathic medicine experienced pain relief, while only 21% of them were given placebo received the same degree of relief. Homeopathy and infectious diseases by the end of life Louis Pasteurs, he realized that germs can not cause disease

in the end, but instead probably results

disease. In other words, different bacteria and other organisms, infection may be present when there is some type of disease and infection, tend to establish themselves in the first place, when people defend compromised enough to make it susceptible to infection. Louis Pasteurs of the end of his life, however, was ignored by most conventional doctors and the general public. When a person feels the infection, most people think it is better to take an antibiotic for bacterial infections and anti-viral drug for viral infection. There are, however, problems with these drugs. In addition, various side effects they cause and various cases in which they are not effective, even if they are an effective use leads to increased chances of infectious agents to adjust to the drug, thereby reducing the likelihood that drugs will be effective in future. As Jonas Salk, rather than attack specific problems, another strategy for restoring health to try to stimulate the immune defense of persons and that ultimately, the approach commonly used in homeopathic medicine. Most people today do not know what homeopathy really found the most popular in Europe and America in the mid and late 1800s mainly due to the significant progress it has made in treating people suffering from the often deadly infectious disease epidemic that raged at that time . Cholera, typhoid, yellow fever, scarlet fever and was, but some infectious diseases, homeopathic medicines are extremely effective in treatment. These natural medicines are not effective because they attacked the infectious agent, but because they stimulated overalls own immune defense system and protect and heal itself. Ideal drugs? There are no specific homeopathic medicines that are more effective than others in increasing their own people and immune defense. Each homeopathic medicine is effective if it is correctly written. The trick is to find the right homeopathic drug that is suitable persons unique picture of symptoms. For example,

Arsenicum album (white arsenic) is a common homeopathic medicines. There are a variety of acute and chronic diseases, for which he is an effective means of treatment, ranging from food poisoning and digestive disorders, to fatigue and various states of anxiety, and asthma and insomnia. Arsenicum album is not effective because it has properties of an antibiotic or a stimulant or sedative effect. It is effective in accordance with basic principles of homeopathic because he has the ability to cure the concrete forms of its symptoms, as you know, because if taken in large doses. Arsenicum album will not be effective in treating the person whose symptoms do not match the symptoms, arsenic is known to cause. There are various books that help people find the right one homeopathic medicine. This individualization of medicine is sometimes easy, sometimes difficult. If a person does not know how to find the right way, or if the lasix furosemide medicine is not always available, it is often useful to use one of various homeopathic formula available to the general public. While some authors, including myself, casually described homeopathic medicines, as immunostimulating agents, it may be more accurate to refer to them as immunomodulatory drugs (drugs that stimulate the depressed immune system and alleviate the overactive immune system). Immunomodulating effect of the drug may be ideal because the pharmaceutical companies and doctors want. Ironically, these drugs have been with us for a long time. Indeed, it is time for further study of homeopathic medicines. E. Davenas, B. Venice, J. Benveniste, mouse peritoneal macrophages influence os very high dilution Silica,

European Journal of Pharmacology, 135 (April 1987): 313-319. R. Gibson, SLM Gibson, AD MacNeil, et al. , Homeopathic therapy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: evaluation of double-blind controlled study

British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 9 (1980) :453-459. D. Ullman, Berkeley: North Atlantic, 1991, 39-40. .

Estrogen replacement therapy and hormone therapy ...

Treatment of osteoporosis should always include a balanced diet, adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, regular exercise, safety precautions to prevent a fall, preventing the sale of tobacco products and limited consumption of alcohol. However, if osteoporosis is diagnosed, these important lifestyle changes alone are often insufficient, treatment may be necessary to stop further bone loss and prevent fractures. Federal administration of medicines (FDA) has approved these drugs are listed in alphabetical order, to prevent osteoporosis and / or treatment. Bisphosphonates. There are two bisphosphonates, alendronate and

ryzedronat approved for use in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Bisphosphonates are only bones and affect the heart, breast, uterus or other body parts. Like all drugs, bisphosphonates may have side effects that should be discussed with your doctor. Side effects may include bisphosphonates heartburn and irritation of esophagus, but you can usually avoid taking medication properly. Bisphosphonates should be taken first in the morning on an empty stomach, drinking a full glass of water from the tap. Do not take these drugs with other drinks such as orange juice, milk or coffee. After taking this medication, you must remain upright (in a sitting position or standing) and avoid bending over or lying down for 30 minutes. - Alendronate (fosamaks) is approved by the FDA for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and men. In addition, alendronate, is designed to treat men and women with osteoporosis after prolonged use of steroid medications such as prednisone or cortisone. For the prevention of osteoporosis, alendronate is available as a 5 mg tablet daily or 35 mg tablets once a week. For the treatment of osteoporosis, alendronate 10 mg pill approved to be taken daily or 70 mg tablets once a week. Clinical studies show alendronate prevents bone loss and reduces the risk of osteoporosis-related fractures (fractures of the spine and other non-backbone areas such as hips) in patients with osteoporosis. - Ryzedronat (Actonel) will be approved by the FDA as a 5 mg tablet daily or 35 mg tablets once a week for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. In addition, ryzedronat can be used to treat women and men with osteoporosis resulting from long-term use of steroid drugs or to prevent osteoporosis associated with steroid use. Ryzedronat prevents bone loss and reduces the risk of osteoporosis-related fractures (fractures of the spine and other non-backbone area) in patients with osteoporosis. Calcitonin (Miacalcin) is a hormone that is usually prescribed as a nasal spray. It is also available by injection. Calcitonin is approved for treatment of osteoporosis in women who were postmenopausal for five years or more. Calcitonin may reduce bone loss in the spine, but is the least powerful of all approved drugs. Studies have shown that calcitonin reduces the risk of spine fractures in older women, but to a lesser extent than other drugs. There is no evidence that calcitonin reduces the incidence of fractures anywhere, except the spine. Calcitonin may have some pain after the fracture properties of the spine. As Alendronate and ryzedronat, calcitonin affects bone and will not change your risk of other diseases. Possible side effects are usually mild (runny nose, nasal bleeding and nasal pain) and should be discussed with your doctor. Therapy of estrogen and hormone therapies approved by the FDA for the prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Estrogen therapy (ET) is available in either a pill or patch. If you have an intact uterus, your doctor will likely prescribe the hormone progestin in combination with estrogen. Estrogen and progestin is called hormone therapy (HT). ET or GT is often lasix drug side effects prescribed for relief of the most common symptoms of menopause, women face, including hot flashes, night sweats and other symptoms, including urinary vaginal dryness. And ET and HT protect against rapid bone loss that occurs in the first five years after menopause. A woman can lose up to 15% of his life skeleton without estrogen protection. HT reduces the risk of fractures, including hip fractures and colon cancer decreases, but increases the risk of breast cancer, heart disease, blood clots and stroke. It is likely that only estrogen (ET) reduces the incidence of fractures, but the size reduction of the fracture, as well as his other benefits and risks that are currently under investigation. For many women, the benefits of ET / HT for the prevention of osteoporosis, may not outweigh the risks. You and your doctor with your view of menopause as well as your personal and family history of osteoporosis, heart disease and some cancers, you must carefully weigh the benefits and risks of taking or continuing to take ET or and the immune system In general, ET / HT use for a short period of time possible. If the health worker sets ET or GT, it is important to discuss how long you should stay on treatment. It is important to understand what rapid loss of bone (15% at 5 years) will occur when you stop taking ET or GT, no matter how long you were on it. When choosing ET / HT for the prevention of osteoporosis, it is important to understand that there are alternative medications to prevent bone loss and reduce the risk for osteoporosis-related fractures. Raloksifen (Evista) is approved by the FDA as 60 mg tablets for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Raloksifen increases bone mass throughout the skeleton and reduces the risk of fractures of the spine. Clinical trials are currently studying the effect of raloxifene on hip and other non-spinal fractures. Raloksifen may have a potential impact on other parts of the body besides the bones, such as heart, breast and uterus. Influence of raloxifene on the heart is unclear, but the big test in motion, that we will have more information. Research has shown that raloksifen may provide a protective effect on breast tissue. Raloksifen can have negative consequences, such as increased hot flashes, increased risk of blood clots in the veins of the legs or lungs (similar to estrogen), cramping calf muscles and fluid retention. Like all medicines, it is important to discuss all potential benefits and risks of taking this medication with your doctor. Teriparatide (Forteo) is available only by injection. It is a form of human parathyroid glands hormone (PTH) approved for the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and men who are prone to high risk of fractures. Persons at high risk of fractures include postmenopausal women and men who had one or more fractures, which have very low bone density, or not tolerated and successfully responded to previous medications for the treatment of osteoporosis. Teriparatide should not be used to prevent osteoporosis and to treat patients who are not at high risk of fractures. Clinical studies have shown that bone mass increases teriparatide, restores the internal architecture of osteoporotic bone and reduces the risk for spine and other fractures in postmenopausal women. The most common side effects include dizziness and leg cramps. Elevations in calcium in the blood and urine calcium may also occur. Side effects such as nausea, joint and muscle pain and general weakness are rare. Safety and benefits of teriparatide have not been evaluated by more than two years, so treatment for more than two years is not recommended. |

You can opt out of any vaccine for your child.

This article seems to promote. If you enter the vaccine in young growing body Childs generated by the immune system reacts to produces various types of cells, hormones, chemicals, etc. in blood. Most children can handle it without problems.emphysema in children However, some children tend to order an overactive immune system that produces more cells, hormones, chemicals, etc. in blood, these things can affect the development generated by the brain. When you enhance a variety of vaccines given all at once, you can end up with super-reaction that can cause a child developing autism or sensory integration disorders. The problem is that we give kids too many vaccines at one time. Vaccines are good for society and prevent disease on a large scale, but giving too many vaccines at once lazy and criminal negligence of doctors in this country. This overimmunization causes of autism and lasix many other questions of the brain with the children. You know what? You can opt out of any vaccine for your child. The police are not going to arrest you. If a bad nurse in the pediatric clinic

Your child 4 shots at once, you can say it is not. Best to go in this situation, the doctor say that you want only one vaccine at a time. They will work with you or should (and if not find another doctor). Do not be afraid. You are responsible for your health subprocesses. No related posts. .

Learn more about.

The immune system helps the body defend against various microbes

and pollutants. However, the immune system itself can have various disadvantages. Weakened immune system called the

and can leave the body vulnerable to various viral, bacterial, fungal or. Causes of immunodeficiency may include a variety of diseases, such as viruses, >> << chronic diseases, or diseases of the immune system (especially the

). Another type of immune disorders include more active immune response. There are several different classes lasix 20 mg of diseases from excessive >> << response from the immune system:

true allergy to a substance or food induced immune response. - As a result of an allergic reaction, affecting the respiratory passages. - Very dangerous over-reaction that can lead to - a group of more than 100 diseases, where

body's own immune system is confused and starts attacking the cells of the body is good .... Symptoms can vary greatly depending on the specific disorder involved. See full list of 7 Incorrect diagnosis of immune? Learn more about. Learn more about. Research the causes of these diseases are similar to, or associated with immune:

- Visit our research pages. American ClinicalTrials site. law contains information on both federal and private

supported clinical trials using human volunteers. Some of the clinical trials listed on See full list of 5724 Read about other experiences, ask questions about immune disorders, or answer someone else's question, on our forums:

However, in more serious cases, lvrs is


Treatment should not be confused with subcutaneous emphysema: emphysema subcutaneous emphysema and have similar names, but significantly different values. Subcutaneous emphysema occurs when air gets into tissues under the skin of the neck and chest wall. There are various causes of subcutaneous emphysema, including stabbing, blunt trauma or even bullet wounds. This is a rare disease, but it happened. Emphysema treatment on the other hand, would be to treat the disease emphysema, which is completely different. Enphysema long associated as a disease of smokers and still is to some extent.immune system weak This is where the alveoli in the lungs lose their elasticity and thereby block the airflow. Thus, treatment Emphyzema would take action to help restore that air flow, which has nothing to do with subcutaneous emphysema. New emphysema treatment recovery: a study of a new method of treatment of emphysema at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics is that they hope will result in the future. Study of endobronhialnoy valve. This valve, when introduced into a patient of lung theoretically contribute to the restoration of air flow from these parts to the healthy parts. Unilateral nature of the valve ensures that air can flow into the healthy parts and return to the sick part. It would be a huge step forward from conventional light reduction techniques that are usually invasive and in most cases have more risks than benefits associated with them. The system is called Endobronhialnoe valve or Empysema Palliatation Trial, or VENT for short. New emphysema treatment is designed Symptoms: Another new treatment is focused on emphysema symptoms. Based on the current best option approach light reduction of operations (LVRS), University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) is the study of the next generation in this treatment. They are going to a less invasive approach, which they called bronchoscopy reduce lung. As for the procedure studied in lasix 40 mg ivp Iowa, UPMC uses special valves implanted in the lungs, although the difference is that these valves are designed to try to minimize the area of ​​the lungs, which are disproportionately affected, as well as LVRS does. The advantages of this success studys to clear - a less invasive procedure is only a small part of the risks to LVRS. Stages AC treatment of emphysema: current treatment Emphsema varies depending on the stage that it is in. First, patients are advised to stop smoking completely, and take some medicine that might help. However, in more serious cases, LVRS is the only real option, and if the risk is acceptable, can be very helpful. In the worst case, the only real viable option is to transplant lungs that are difficult to obtain due to lack of donors and the general difficulties that surround it. Although none of the other treatments Emphysem comes as close to the treatment of lung transplantation as do, for as long conducted research, there is still hope. Tags / /.

There are some anti-inflammatory and healing ...

If you ignore some of the controversies associated with anabolic steroids, you will see that these products are really very good supplement bodybuilding. Many athletes and bodybuilders use anabolic material that may intensify the process of lasix 14 mg muscle growth. Thus, with less physical effort, you can find a good body for several weeks.3 ad anabolic xtreme In the sports arena, the use of anabolic substances should not be a good practice because they can hide natural body endurance during a competition. But at the same time, we have some legal anabolic steroids, which are authorized for use in limited quantities. Currently, anabolic supplements available in natural and synthetic forms. Some people claim that synthetic anabolic tablets should not be used in connection with harmful side effects, on the other hand, natural anabolic supplements are generally less harmful to consumers. There are many effects that steroids have on the body. Everyone has a natural steroid hormones in the form of corticosteroids, generated by the adrenal cortex adrenal glands. It is a natural hormone called "stress hormone \ '\ because it is naturally secreted in response to stress in the body. also an important factor for high blood pressure and blood sugar levels by reducing the strength of the immune system. This is the reason why many ities sport banned the use of anabolic steroids, because they fear it will restrict the natural forces members. Some anabolic effects, also came to the front, such as thinning hair, increased aggressiveness, increased body hair, depression, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, nausea, constipation, etc. Speaking of the good effects of synthetic forms of anabolic steroids, they can treat several diseases especially autoimmune diseases. There are some anti-inflammatory and healing action on steroids. Steroid drugs can suppress the inflammatory changes in the body. Some external steroids also that there may be introduced, but it depends on the cause and severity of need. Those who want to buy steroids can easily

their internet portals. Availability of online sports supplements have been proven to be an excellent option for access to effective anabolic steroids at very reasonable price. These drugs are able to stimulate muscle growth, voice, body hair, and promotion stages of puberty. There are some medical use of anabolic substances. Those who suffer from cancer or HIV are likely ascribed to adopt some specific weightlifting supplements that help the body recover quickly and survive for a long time. .

Copd usually affects people over the age of 40 years.

What is COPD? COPD is a general term used to describe a variety of ailments, including chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive airways disease. People with COPD lungs were damaged and difficult to breathe most of the time. COPD usually affects people over the age of 40 years. Approximately 900,000 people in Britain have been diagnosed with COPD in the UK, but recent studies show that COPD can be very in diagnosis - based on reported symptoms, more than 3. 2000000 people can be provided (this is more than one in 10 people over age 40). COPD is closely associated with smoking, in many cases changes in the habit of smoking several decades ago mean than at COPD is more common among male cases is growing three times faster among women. COPD is the sixth most common cause of death in England and Wales, causing over 30,000 deaths per year. But it is believed that by 2020 it will be the third largest killer in the world - the only major causes of death that has increased in recent years. Damage to the lungs, leading to COPD is gradual, so most people over 40 years before the onset of symptoms. Research shows that it takes about 20 years since the initial lung injury until actually diagnosed. Early morning cough, often called smoker's cough is common and produces a lot of phlegm. Shortness of breath, tightness in the chest and shortness of breath are often observed in the first place. People can find themselves short of breath while performing little or even if they just sit down. It becomes harder and harder to do some exercise, yet the intersection room becomes impossible.

complications of emphysema
These symptoms are usually worse in winter, with recurrent infections easily add to this problem. If severe, these recurrent infections and impaired lung function (known as exacerbations) may be fatal - 10 percent of them hospitalized with worsening die in the hospital and to 40 percent die within a year. COPD reduces quality of life that prevent people with a condition of communication and enjoy a hobby. It also makes many people feel frustrated and angry about not able to do what they want. Smoking is a cause of COPD, in most cases. Chemicals in cigarette smoke causes inflammation and fibrosis or scarring in the lungs and destroy the elasticity that makes it easy to expand and contract as we breathe. It also damages the alveoli, tiny air sacs at the end of the airways from which oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream lasix fluid pill. Other causes include occupational impact of dust, indoor air pollution from wood and coal stoves, air pollution and some hereditary diseases. For example, a minority of people is a rare hereditary form of emphysema caused by lack of protein, known as. Diseases, known as COPD - chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive airways disease - now understood as the sides of the same problems: narrowing the airways, which prevents the flow of air and light, making it difficult to breathe. In contrast, where the narrowing of the airways can be eliminated, narrowing in COPD is progressive and not fully reversible. In chronic bronchitis, such as excess mucus in the airways is to make people a lot of mucus and coughing all the time. This mucus and narrows the airways. In emphysema, air sacs remains overly inflated when air is caught in a trap in them and elastic fibers are destroyed. Small holes and develop in their walls, leaving them able to work properly. As a result of human breast can become extension and barrel. It is not possible to cure COPD, but the loss can be slow - it is the main goal of treatment. Treatment also aims to improve symptoms as shortness of breath, increasing the number of exercises a person can manage, reducing the risk of exacerbations, hospitalizations and complications, and generally improve the quality of their lives. The best way to do this is to quit. It is also very important to avoid the smoke of others. Make as much as you can help the lungs (and heart) and builds a strong self-confidence. Pulmonary rehabilitation programs improve symptoms and increase exercise tolerance. Physiotherapy helps to clear mucus from the lungs, and most people with COPD learn exercises they can do everyday to help themselves. Drugs that make the airways wider, easier to breathe can be given by inhaler or in pill form. Another important target for drugs to reduce inflammation in the lungs in COPD - the best medicine for this is steroids, which are also usually given by inhaler device type. Steam inhalation and humidifying rooms can also help breathing by loosening mucus. Medications are available to help thin mucus so it is easier to shell. When lung infections arise, it is important that they are treated quickly with antibiotics. Recurrent or severe chest infections often require hospital treatment. When COPD is difficult, oxygen may be used at home. It is important that people with COPD are vaccinated against influenza each year (usually fall) and for the most common cause of pneumonia, pneumococcal bacteria, as recommended. It is also very important to avoid lung infection and further damage the lungs. Eat a healthy diet and drink enough fluids is important. .

Saturated fats are fat molecules that contain ...

Anabolism process in which large molecules are built from smaller molecules. Anabolism is the opposite

catabolism and part of metabolism. Anabolic reactions require energy, which is often provided by adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Create a skeletal muscle is an example of anabolic reactions. Antioxidant molecules can absorb free radicals (highly reactive molecules produced in many metabolic processes that can damage DNA). Are there any foods high in antioxidants are good for health is controversial. Bioengineering using engineering methods to solve medical problems. An example is the development and manufacture of prostheses. Catabolism process in which large molecules break down into smaller molecules. Catabolism is the opposite

anabolism and of metabolism. Catabolic reactions release energy, some of which are used for the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Glycolysis - step conversion of glucose to pyruvate - is an example of catabolic reactions. Cholesterol type of lipid needed to maintain the stability of cell membranes for the isolation of nerve fibers for the production of steroid hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. Mostcholesterol produced in the body (including liver), and some we get from our diet. Cholesterol is carried in blood in complex called lipoproteins. High density lipoproteins (HDL) tend to remove cholesterol from tissues to the liver for excretion. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), is likely to make cholesterol in the damaged areas of blood vessels and leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. High cholesterol can cause heart disease, while high levels of HDL cholesterol may protect against heart disease. Diabetes group of metabolic diseases caused by lack of insulin or allocation body's inability to use insulin properly. Enzyme protein that catalyzes the chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy required, increasing the reaction rate. Different enzymes work in different parts of the body, the specific molecule (substrate). Enzymes and does not change the reaction they catalyze. Epidemiology study of distribution and control of diseases in populations. Epigenetics study genetic changes in DNA, in which the genetic sequence remains the same groups butsmall chemical added to the DNA. In these groups affect the gene works. Ghrelin hormone produced by cells in the mucosa of the stomach and pancreas. Ghrelin stimulates hunger, increase food intake and is important for the secretion of growth hormone. Hydrolysis of the chemical reaction that uses water to break bonds in molecules. Hydrolytic enzymes or hydrolyzing enzyme increases the rate of hydrolysis. Proteases such as hydrolases, which catalyze the hydrolysis of internal peptide bonds in the chain of peptides. Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure, a disease caused by increased blood pressure in the arteries. Additional pressure can damage arteries and heart. Hypertension may increase the risk of coronary heart disease or stroke. Hypothalamus a small area of ​​the brain, found in all vertebrates. It produces hormones that control various body functions, including hunger, thirst, body temperature and sleep. Insoluble fiber necessary part of the diet, found in whole grains and vegetables. Insoluble fiber helps speed up the transit of food through the intestines and adds volume to a chair. Insulin is a hormone of the pancreas that regulates blood glucose levels. When blood glucose is high, insulin is glucose stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. Joule unit of energy with the symbol J. energy found in food is often discussed in kilojoules (kJ, 103 J) or megajoules (MJ, 106 J). One kcal is 4. 184 kilojoules. Ketogenic diet high in fat, low carbohydrate, which mimics prolonged starvation. Using fat as an energy source leads to preferential accumulation of ketone molecules (containing carbonyl group C = O, related to two other carbon atoms). This diet is sometimes used to reduce the number of seizures affected children with epilepsy. Leptin hormone involved in regulating hunger. Leptin acts on the hypothalamus

in the brain, suppressing appetite, counteracting the action of other hormones. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) medical equipment that uses powerful magnets to visualize the inside of the body. It can be used for studying the structure and functions of different parts of the body including the brain. Metabolism sum of chemical reactions that occur in the body. Metabolism can be divided into

anabolism and catabolism. Chemical reactions are usually grouped into metabolic pathways by enzymes are used to control the rate at which they occur.

10 facts about the immune system
Mikrobiomom total number and diversity of microbes found, and the human body. Different types living in different areas. It can be found in the gut is more important roles in the process of digestion. Neural tube precursor of the central nervous system in vertebrates. Neural tube defects such as spina bifida occur when the tube does not develop properly. Taking folic acid plays an important role in reducing the risk of these deficiencies. Nutraceutical combination of the words "food" and "pharmaceutical." These foods or foods that are considered by some people to medical benefit, although opinions differ as to what they really are. Examples include margarines supplemented with plant processed esters (stanoly), which claim to reduce the level of consumer cholesterol. Phenylketonuria also known as PKU, a genetic disease in which the lasix to buy enzyme responsible for metabolism of the essential amino acid phenylalanine to tyrosine is inactive. This leads to the accumulation of phenylalanine, which can lead to brain damage. Suffering to eat a strict low protein diet to avoid excess phenylalanine intake. Saturated fats are fat molecules that contain no double bonds between carbon atoms. Saturated fat is found in large amounts in foods such as butter and lard. A diet high in saturated fats can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Soluble fiber found in foods, including fruits, vegetables, oats, this layer absorbs water, turning into jelly-like substance that slows down digestion. Synesthesia neurological disease which can be described as the union of the senses. Sinestety can associate specific colors with letters or taste specific taste when they hear certain words. Unsaturated fats are fat molecules that contain one or more double bonds between carbon atoms. Although they are healthier than saturated fats, they should still be eaten in moderation. This dictionary is part of the online content for. .